Training SO-HIP for occupational therapists who participate in the SO-HIP study
The training for the SO-HIP study is designed by the department of occupational therapy at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in partnership with Merel van Uden from the organization ‘de Vraag Centraal’ support in client centered innovations in long term care.
The training has the aim to prepare the occupational therapists on how to work according to the methods and procedures of the SO-HIP study.
The training consists of two half-day meetings;
Day 1) Introduction to the SO-HIP study and coaching;
Dag 2) SO-HIP tool and coaching
During the two meetings, aside from the information sharing, the skills needed for coaching are central.
The first meeting takes place right before the start of the first intervention group occupational therapy and coaching. The second meeting takes place right before the start of the second intervention group, occupational therapy and coaching and sensor monitoring.
Training Day 1:
- Introduction SO-HIP study
- Impact of a hip fracture on daily functioning
- Cognitions that influence behavior around falling and necessary movement.
- Introduction to coaching
- Theory; basis interview techniques motivational interviewing
- Practice interview techniques
- Practice interview techniques with cases
Training Day 2:
- Intervision cases of participants
- Introduction to SO-HIP technology
- Practicing interview techniques of coaching with connection to the SO-HIP tool.
Merel van Uden,senior advisor -trainer / The question central support in client centred innovations in long term care. |
drs Margriet Pol,Instructor Researcher HVA, project leader SO-HIP studie/ PhD Candidate |
During the training the following literature will be used.
- Zicht op Evenwicht-thuis Maastricht university/ Trimbos instituut, 2015
- Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in an occupational therapy rehabilitation program for older persons after hip fracture, the SO-HIP study: study protocol of a three- arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial .Pol, M., ter Riet, G., van Hartingsveldt., M., Kröse, B., de Rooij, S.E., Buurman, B.M. submitted dec 2015
- W.R. Miller en S. Rollnick, Motiverende Gespreksvoering. Mensen helpen veranderen. Ekklesia. 3e editie 2014.
- S. Rollnick, W.R. Miller en C.C. Butler, Motiverende gespreksvoering in de gezondheidszorg. Werken aan gedragsverandering als je maar 7 minuten hebt. Ekklesia.
- F. Goijarts en M. Veen. Motiverende gesprekken in de praktijk. Werken aan gedragsverandering. NSPOH.
- D.B.Rosengren, Motiverende gespreksvaardigheden. Werkboek voor behandelaars (in opleiding). Ekklesia, 2011